2022 was a year, full of challenges, that we, however, managed to defy successfully. Economies worldwide found themselves under the crushing weight of the developments in the course of the last few years. After the 2020 pandemic year was followed by a year of electronic component shortages and rupturing global supply chains, we had to witness the unimaginable war in Ukraine in 2022. At the beginning of the year, the entire European automotive industry had to face three worsened economic outlooks - the war in Ukraine which disrupted the supply chain of car components (primarily cable sets), a drop in sales in the countries involved in the conflict, and an extremely restricted supply of semi-conductors from Asia. During the second half of 2022, supply chain was somewhat less subject to disruptions, resulting primarily from the slowdown in growth of new industry orders. Nevertheless, these still remained significantly below the long-standing average.

Year Sales revenues (in thousands of EUR) Index annual growth
2020 138.055 78.7
2021 168.975 122.4 
2022 204.557  121.1
2023 205.898 100.7 


Net sales revenues by business segment

(in EUR) 2020 2021 2022 2023 
Foged parts 87.821 109.208 137.110  145.977
Tools 28.244 39.102 44.204 37.354 
Special Machines 17.441 16.431 18.095 17.945 
The rest 4.548 4.234 5.148 4.623 
Total 138.055 168.975 204.557 205.898 

Total number of employees

Year Employees
2020 1666
2021 1624
2022 1634
2023 1614